Get trained in a rapidly growing field

MSc in Data Science 

The Master’s in Data Science is a one-year programme developed to provide professionals in Informatics Engineering, Computer Science and Computer Technology with the skills and knowledge they need to face the challenges posed by the high demand for solutions to successfully conduct the different stages involved in the data-science workflow: data preparation, actual analysis, report and communication, and considering both the methodological and  technological aspects of the process. The ultimate goal is to solve complex problems through innovative methods applicable to fields as varied as Digital Marketing, Social Networks, Human Resources, E-commerce, Internet of Things, Financial Analytics, Biology, and Biomedicine, to name only a few.

60 ECTS Credits
40 Places
1 Academic Year
MDS Structure Click here

A research-focused master’s programme

The European MSc in Data Science is part of the academic offer in the School of Computer Engineering at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). It provides quality training in a variety of application domains in Data Science.

The Euro-Inf Quality Label is an outcomes based framework that provides a quality reference for Master degrees in Informatics according to academic and professional criteria.

Students will have the opportunity to experience research activity with ETSIInf research groups and the UPM AI R+D+I center AI.nnovation Space.

Fundación Carolina offers two scholarships for this programme each academic year. Link:

General FAQs

You can access more specific FAQs
by clicking on the following links:

  • About access to admission

    You will find answers about the number of places and enrolment periods, the qualification you need and the admission criteria, as well as the procedures to follow.

  • About the structure of the Master

    You will learn everything you need to know about the structure of the master’s program, its courses and seminars, the development of the Master’s Thesis (TFM), and how its defense is conducted..

  • For students from outside Madrid

    If you are a student arriving from areas outside of Madrid, you will find guidance on sourcing accommodation as well as on the necessary documentation for your visa.

What is the duration of the Master’s programme?

The Master’s in Data Science is taught over two semesters, meaning one academic year. The first semester is devoted to required courses, while the second semester is devoted to elective courses and the development of the Master’s Final Project.

How is the Master’s delivered?

The Master’s in Data Science is a face-to-face programme, taught fully in English.

How much does it cost to complete the programme?

Refer to this page.

What kind of studentships are there to support studying the MUCD?

The research groups to which the master’s degree lecturers belong occasionally offer grants associated with research projects in which they are involved, which allow students to carry out their master’s final project with funding. For more information on grants and financial aid, please consult this page.

What are the job prospects for MUCD graduates?

Upon graduation many alumni decide to pursue additional graduate studies (PhD) or go directly into jobs. The MUCD enables students to apply for any of the numerous Data Science related positions: data scientist, data engineer, data architect, data analyst, etc.

What kind of research activity is developed at the School of Computer Science, where the Master’s is taught?

The three Departments involved in delivering the Master’s in Data Science at the School of Computer Science host different research groups. Here you can find the ones affiliated with the Department of Artificial Intelligence (DIA). The ones affiliated with the Department of Computer Languages and Systems and Software Engineering (DLSIIS) include MiDas and the Distributed Systems Laboratory. The ones connected to the Department of Computer Systems Architecture and Technology (DATSI) are listed here. You can find more information on research at ETS de Ingenieros Informáticos (ETSII) here.

Is there a maximum time to earn the degree?

In those situations in which the student has been enrolled for 3 academic years and has not completed their master’s studies, they must submit an application to the Academic Committee of the Master’s Degree in Data Science, which will assess the student’s situation and submit their application to the Academic Planning Committee of the ETS in Computer Engineering. There is also the requirement that the requirement that the student must pass at least 15 ECTS in the first year, and at least 45 ECTS in the first two years of enrollment. In any case, the rules of permanence of the Master will be in accordance with the regulations established by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid for the regime of permanence in the University Master’s degrees.

Is the MUCD adapted to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)?

The MUCD was positively verified by ANECA on May 8th, 2019 and has been taught continuously since then.

Get to know the specific objectives and competences of the Master’s programme

The objective of the MSc in Data Science is: to prepare students for innovation in the field of Data Science in two different ways: firstly, through the creation of innovative techniques and methods within the research field of Data Science and, secondly, by applying these techniques and methods in relation to our social and business reality, as well as by creating processes and innovative computer solutions.

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