Master’s Final Project Awards 22-23

The MSc in Data Science publically announces the call for two awards covering the academic year 2022/2023. This is aimed at students who have presented their Master’s Final Project during this Academic year. The award is funded by the Vicerrectorado de Estrategia Académica e Internacionalización, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Ayudas a Máster oficiales).

The award (1st 600 € and 2nd 400 €) requires from the student to be a new full-time student in the MSc in Data Science of any nationality and to have presented their Final Master’s project during the academic year 2022-2023 and to have obtained the highest qualification.

The documentation required by the student, in order to apply for the award is:
        •        Photocopy of the Spanish National Identity card (DNI) or passport.
        •        Award request form (sent by email to candidates)
        •        Grade certificates (Politécnica Virtual) for the studies completed in the Master’s Degree.
        •        Photocopy of the full-time registration payment letter for the Master’s course in Data Science.

The deadline for delivering these documents is the 14th, September 2023. The Academic Board of the MSc will decide the awarding of the grant amongst the candidates.

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